Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Workshop Informasaun Komunikasuan ho Teknologia ba Lider Governu
Iha dia 6 to'o 9 de Abril de 2010 DNICT (Diresaun Nasional ba Informasaun ho Teknologia) no UN-APCICT (United Nation – Asian Pacific Training Center for Information Technology) realiza worshop ba loron hat ho tema sentral “Informasuan Komunikasaun ho Teknologia ba Lider Governu)
Partisipante ba eventu ne'e barak mak mai husi Leader governu nian hanesan Bupati, DDO, Deputi sira, no maluk balu husi Sociadade Sivil.
Iha Primeiro Dia ne’e primeira sesaun hatoo husi Sr Ki Kwon husi APCICT (Asian and Pacific Training Center for Information and Communication Technology for Development. Nia hanesan Senior ICT Expert.
Nia hodi Topic kona ba Academy of ICT Essencial for Government Leaders, iha parte ne’e share ho informasaun kona ba projetu ICT tia nian iha nasaun asia pacific nia mak hetan s usesu no mos la hetan susesu. Partisipante sira mos simu Manula Modul Training nian mak hau hanoin modul ne’e importante tebes ba maluk sira nebe mak oras ne’e servisu iha IT hodi bele iha ideia oin nusa bele implementa projetu ida ho susesu. Bele mos hetan manual sira ne’e iha website ne’e
Tuir fali share informasaun mai husi Colega sira husi companhia Malaysia nia husi maluk sira ne’e hodi topic Heading Toward E-Government initiatives and experience on ICT implementation at Certain Government Agencies. Apresenta husi Rr Siva Prakash & K.Kumar.
Sr Abel Pires nudar Koordenador ba ICT-TL (Asosiasaun Informasaun Communicasaun ho Teknologia Timor-Leste ) Apresenta kona ba Ligasaun Entre Aplikasaun husi Teknologia Informasaun ho Komunikasaun no Dezenvolvimentu signifikativu.
Husi FONGTIL Apresenta Demonstrasaun oin nusa bele halo Central Telephone rasik, Tenta uja Server Telefone ho program naran Asterisk Server mak bele hetan gratuita iha Internet no bele estabele ligasuan husi Telefone ba Telefone no Computer ba Telefone no Mobile ba Telefone . Husi Leader Governu nian sira iha Antusiasmo bot tebes ho demostrasaun ne’e tamba sira hakarak technologia sira hanesan ne’e mak governu tenki supporta hodi bele desenvolve nasuan ida ne’e iha parte telekomunikasuan nian.
Tuir Deputi Adminitrador husi Suai hateten katak “ projectu hanesan ne'e sira prontu atu supporta no mos prontu atu bele koalia iha Konselhu Ministru hodi bele hetan apoiu ba inisiativa posistiva sira hanesan ne'e tamba laos koalia deit maibe hatudo duni ho implementasuan ba programa ne'e.
Tuir Bupati Oecusse mos hanoin katak sira presija tebes DNICT nia apoiu hodi bele suporta ba VOIP ne'e laos ba Administador deit maibe mos Divisaun Governu nia sira seluk iha Distritu sira ne'e.
Tuir Sr. Lemi husi FONGTIL hateten katak oras ne'e sira so se implementa uluk projectu ne'e ba Membru FONGTIL mak iha Dili tamba tuir planu se monta 100 unit ba membru sira iha Dili nian.
Oras ne'e FONGTIL liu husi Divisaun MST/IT nian halao hela projectu piloto ba NGO 10 iha Dili laran oin nusa bele estabele ligasuan telefone ba organizasaun sira uja Teknologia VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) ho Sistema distribuisaun uja Teknologia Mesh Networking. Organizasaun sira mak oras ne'e hetan ona Ligasaun mak hanesna ETBU, SOLS 247 Training Center , FTM, UNTL Caicoli, UNTL -LICEU no Eiros Training Center e inisitiva ne'e rasik hetan supporta husi Trocaire – Irlandia no ISIF Fund. (Lemi)
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